A female driver was arrested after being caught on camera trying to run over a security guard and then driving with him on the bonnet of her pink Mercedes.

The unnamed woman apparently got annoyed that she had to wait for a few minutes for the guard to open the gate of a community in Tai’an, in east China’s Shandong Province at around 1:20pm on 6th August.

CCTV footage shows her sitting behind the wheel of a pink Mercedes repeatedly honking the horn in front of the gate.

After about a minute, a security guard appears.

He gestures to the driver to stop honking and signals to pause.

But the woman keeps honking until he fully opens the gate.

At that point, the two begin arguing with each other.

The security guard can be heard saying (in Chinese): “Alright, go ahead, but don’t come in again.”

A pink Mercedes-Benz suddenly runs into a security guard in Tai’an, Shandong, China, Sunday, August 6, 2023. The security guard settled on the car’s bonnet. (AsiaWire)

At this point, the driver suddenly reversed, hitting the security guard with the car’s rear end.

The security guard approached the driver’s window to argue, then positioned himself in front of the car to block its path, asking: “Why did you hit me?”

But the woman continued to drive forwards against the security guard.

Onlookers can be heard yelling in the background: “Stay calm, stay calm!'”

The video then cuts to another scene showing the security guard being pushed over the bonnet as the vehicle continues to drive.

The guard reportedly suffered several injuries from the incident.

Police later arrested the woman who was accused of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

A pink Mercedes-Benz suddenly runs into a security guard in Tai’an, Shandong, China, Sunday, August 6, 2023. The security guard settled on the car’s bonnet. (AsiaWire)

Some members of the community later told local media that the incident occurred on the south side of the residential area which typically remains locked.

They added that motorists who want to enter are usually only let through in emergency cases and they need to call security to be allowed inside.

The case is under further investigation.

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