A woman shared how the severe flooding in her city overfilled her brand-new BMW with mud so much that she had to sell it for scrap.
The woman, not named in local media, shared a video showing the devastated state her vehicle was in after the remnants of a severe storm that struck her city of Zhuozhou, in northern China’s Hebei Province.
In the clip – shared on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok – the car’s interior can barely be seen under the thick mud that has filled the seats all the way up to the windows.
The dashboard and door panels are completely covered in sludge, with only a slight hue of red peeking through from the dirtied headrests.
The owner said she bought the BMW just two months ago and had barely driven it.
But the vehicle was so wrecked it was no longer usable and she had to settle selling it for scrap.

Its inside was filled with so much heavy mud that even a tow truck could not pull it.
The storm in Hebei and the follow-up flooding forced over a million people out of their homes.
Officials say it might take up to a month for the water to go down in some places.
Typhoon Doksuri hit Fujian province on 28th July and then moved north, causing heavy rain in Beijing, the most in 140 years.
In Baoding, a large city in Hebei, at least 10 people died and 18 have been reported missing.