This is the moment zoo keepers officiate a ‘wedding’ between two chimpanzees as they are brought to live together in a joint enclosure as part of a breeding program.

The ‘ceremony’ – attended by dozens of visitors and other guests – was held in Qinling Wildlife Park, located in north-west China’s Shaanxi Province on the morning of 5th August.

Duoduo, the ‘groom’ and Jenny, the ‘bride’ – who was moved from Lehe Ledu Wildlife World in Chongqing – were reportedly in a “long-distance relationship” and had only seen each other on camera.

The two zoos previously arranged their ‘marriage’ and decided to turn it into a grand event.

Duan Wei, Qinling Wildlife Park’s director travelled to Jenny’s home the previous day to ‘propose’ and obtain her ID book.

Video footage shows the grounds of Qinling Wildlife Park embellished with red decorations all the way up to the ‘bridal chamber’ – a glass cage where visitors could view the two chimps.

Qinling Wildlife Park holds a wedding for chimpanzees that got married in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, undated. The two chimpanzees were in a long-distance relationship before marriage. (Qinling Wildlife Park/AsiaWire)

Staff had also prepared a variety of sweets and snacks for the guests to enjoy much like a proper wedding.

Many tourists and media reporters attended and jointly wished the ‘newlyweds’ a long life together.

At present, the two chimpanzees that ‘met online’ are getting acquainted with each other.

The two zoos, which are located in the north and south of the Qinling Mountains, have maintained good cooperation and friendly exchanges over the years.

They often collaborate in terms of scientific research and species breeding and protection.

Photo shows the two chimpanzees, undated. Qinling Wildlife Park held a wedding for chimpanzees that got married in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. (290330449/AsiaWire)

Qinling Zoo staff said: “Chimpanzee Jenny settled in our wildlife park and is sure to be showered with love!

“Our chimpanzee family will flourish and thrive. Sincere wishes for a joyful ‘chimpanzee marriage’ and a strong ‘chimp connection’ for both Jenny and our beloved chimpanzee, Duoduo.”

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