This is the shocking moment a tire suddenly smashes through the glass door into a store and then bounces off the ceiling – narrowly missing two children.

The shocking incident occurred in Chongqing in a local store on 30th June.

A security camera captured the moment when a tire suddenly broke loose from a moving vehicle, crashing through the store’s glass door and then making a hole in the ceiling.

According to Ms. Lu, an employee at the store, the incident took place during regular business hours.

A delivery truck was cruising along when one of its tires, possibly due to inadequate maintenance, disconnected and rolled very quickly toward the store.

The tire’s impact was so forceful that it shattered the store’s glass door, bouncing around inside and only narrowly avoiding the kids by inches.

A tire suddenly rushes towards a store smashing the glass door and the ceiling in Chongqing, China, Friday, June 30, 2023. It almost hit the two children inside the store. (101096791/AsiaWire)

The incident left both children and the store’s staff shaken.

Following the incident, the driver of the truck promptly took responsibility for the damages caused by the tire’s rampage.

The store’s management confirmed that he had also to cover the costs of repairing the extensive damage inflicted on the premises.

The ceiling, which had been punctured by the tire, was also repaired.

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