A 34-year-old woman who has given birth to nine children over 13 years has told how she wants more so she can have a baby born in each zodiac sign.

Photo shows the family of the couple that gave birth to nine children in 13 years in Zhejiang, China, undated. The mother wanted to have a kid for each zodiac. (WZD13616647778/AsiaWire)

Tian Dongxia – now expecting baby number ten – from the eastern China’s Zhejiang province, and 37-year-old husband, Zhao Wanlong, met in high school.

Tian said she was not interested in dating and wanted to focus on her studies at first, but in the face of Zhao’s gentle pursuit, she eventually agreed to go out with him.

After both left to go to the same university, she soon became pregnant and they got married.

Tian has always wanted to have a boy and a girl, so after she gave birth to her eldest daughter, the couple tried for another child.

Soon, they had twin boys in 2012.

Eventually, Zhao’s career stabilised and Tian said she began growing fond of family life at home.

Photo shows the family of the couple that gave birth to nine children in 13 years in Zhejiang, China, undated. The mother wanted to have a kid for each zodiac. (WZD13616647778/AsiaWire)

By now the wealthy couple lived in a huge mansion and could easily afford to expand their family.

Four years later, the pair had another child and have been having children ever since.

To take care of the children’s daily lives, they hired six nannies.

Tian said she does not need to cook or do household chores every day.

After each childbirth, she goes to the best postpartum care centre for recovery.

She said despite going through multiple pregnancies, her body has not shown any significant changes and she looks as fit and energetic as ever.

Photo shows the family of the couple that gave birth to nine children in 13 years in Zhejiang, China, undated. The mother wanted to have a kid for each zodiac. (WZD13616647778/AsiaWire)

She even hopes to continue having children to complete the twelve zodiac signs.

Tian added that even though nannies help with daily care, she personally takes care of their education.

Despite feeling tired at times, she said she also feels happy, and added: “Moreover, my husband’s genes are really good. It would be a shame not to have a few more!”

Tian is currently pregnant again, although the baby’s gender so far remains unknown.

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