This is the monstrous new dish on the menu of a restaurant in Taiwan – a whole crocodile foot complete with claws served up in a ramen broth.

Photo shows a bowl of ramen with a whole crocodile arm in Yunlin, Taiwan, undated. The dish consists of ramen, baby corn, quail eggs, black fungus, and lemon slices alongside a crocodile arm. (AsiaWire)

The soup – named after the classic movie monster Godzilla – was launched this week by a trendy eaterie specialising in ramen noodles.

Stomach-churning images of the Godzilla Crocodile Ramen emerged on social media after it was launched by the restaurant.

A grim photo of the meal shows a bowl of broth with a giant scaly foot with its claws hanging over the rim.

Bizarrely it is served with slices of lemon, baby corn, mushrooms and what looks like a boiled egg on the side.

The eaterie – Witch Cat Kui in the city of Douliu, Yunlin County – launched the dish with the warning: “Those who dare not eat crocodile are welcome to try another noodle soup with pork, beef and seafood.”

A single serving of the gruesome soup costs a hefty NTD 1,500 (GBP 37) – and diners have to order it in advance.

And even if they find it too stomach-churning to eat, they will still be charged GBP 2.53 just for looking at it.

But the new dish has not gone down well with would-be diners.

One responding to the Facebook launch said: “The whole foot in the soup is actually quite scary.”

Another commented: “Are there really that many crocodiles about to eat?”

And a third said: “I really don’t think I can eat it if I see it.”

The new dish is part of a trend for ever more revolting ramen recipes in Taiwan.

One launched last month has a giant isopod sea louse served on a bed of noodles.

And earlier this week another restaurant unveiled its Froggy Raman with a giant whole frog dished up in a bowl of broth.

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