A female driver was caught on video as she ploughed into a table full of people having dinner and ran over several them after she accidentally stepped on the gas pedal while fastening her seatbelt.

CCTV footage shows the driver suddenly reversing at speed at a car park in Liuzhou, in China’s southern Guangxi Province at around 11:30pm on 13th October.

Meanwhile, a group of six people are seen sitting on a table by the roadside and enjoying a meal.

But their meal comes to an abrupt end when the black car rams into their table, knocking it down and running over the group.

Two of them manage to back away in time and get out of harm’s way while the rest are pushed towards the wall of the eaterie before the vehicle comes to a stop.

A female driver knocks down several diners on the side of the road in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China, Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. The casualties are not confirmed yet. (98888887759/AsiaWire)

Another party of diners sitting on the next table also jump out of their seats and narrowly dodge the danger.

Then they all ran over to help the struck victims up as the footage runs out.

No casualties have been reported. According to witnesses, no one was seriously injured.

It is unclear if the woman behind the wheel, who was not named, was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.

A female driver knocks down several diners on the side of the road in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China, Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. The casualties are not confirmed yet. (98888887759/AsiaWire)

It is believed she accidentally stepped on the gas pedal while fastening her seatbelt as she was preparing to take off.

The exact cause will be determined after an investigation from the police.

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