These images show part of the dramatic rescue of a woman who was trapped in her car which can be seen in the footage threatening to be washed away by a torrential river in a flash flood during monsoon season.

The video shows torrents of water pummelling against the vehicle as it threatens to be washed away at any moment in the city of Panchkula, in northern India’s Haryana state.

Brave locals can be seen having formed a human chain using a rope and attempting to pull the woman from the vehicle, which can be seen stuck in the Ghaggar, a temporary river that only flows during the monsoon season.

At one point, one of the rescuers appears to nearly be washed away but thankfully he has the end of the rope tied around his waist and the group of locals manage to pull him to safety.

The rescue continues with the rescuers apparently trying to extract the woman out of the car boot as the footage ends.

Locals try to rescue a woman from a car during flood in Panchkula, Haryana in India, undated. The woman was returning back from a temple when the flood current appeared. (CEN)

Local media reported that the rescue effort took over an hour and that the woman was eventually pulled from the vehicle and taken to hospital where she is undergoing treatment.

She had reportedly been visiting a temple with her mother when the car suddenly became stranded in a flash flood. It is understood that only she was in the vehicle at the time.

After she was rescued, the vehicle was reportedly washed away in the flood waters.

The region has reportedly been pummelled by heavy rains, with local media reporting that it is the first time that the monsoon has reached Delhi and Mumbai at the same time since the early 1960s.

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