A horrified cosmetic treatment patient has taken to social media to warn of a skin treatment she says left her face covered in bleeding blisters.

Photo shows the damaged face skin of a Malaysian woman, undated. She claims her skin was damaged after a facial treatment. ( @teaszn/Newsflash)

Horrific, viral photographs of the young woman, who uses just ‘T’ for her name on Twitter, show her with oozing sores all over her face.

The terrifying breakout happened, she said in a tweet that has been seen 6.1 million times, after she paid MYR 99 (GBP 16.59) for pico laser treatment.

The salon – reportedly Venusde Beauty Salon, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – said the treatment would correct her skin imperfections.

They deny any wrongdoing.

T says she was pressured into buying other treatments and posted: “After about 3/4 sessions my skin started getting bad.

“Big black spots started appearing all over my face. I thought it was a side effect and it might go away but it was progressively getting worse from there.

“A week later, I reached out and they offered me some free treatment.

Photo shows the Malaysian woman with clear skin, undated. She claims her face skin was damaged after a facial treatment. (@teaszn/Newsflash)

“I forgot to mention that after each session they take a before and after pic of your skin and send it to you post treatment.

“Once my skin got worse, they stopped sending the pictures and never sent them til today no matter how many times I ask.”

Shocking images showing the state of her skin reveal it apparently covered with bloody blisters and bumps.

She said: “IDK [I don’t know] what was in that free treatment but my skin became like this in January, 3 months after I started my skin treatment with Venusde.

“Obviously, after that, I had to stop going and they never bothered to check up on me about my following treatments.

“This was the worst my skin had ever been my whole life.

“I had to start going to a dermatologist instead and was put on A LOT of medications and creams.

Photo shows the damaged face skin of a Malaysian woman, undated. She claims her skin was damaged after a facial treatment. (@teaszn/Newsflash)

“Each visit to the clinic easily cost me around RM200-RM400 [GBP 33.50-GBP 67].

“It was INSANELY PAINFUL. At the slightest touch, my entire face would throb and start bleeding really badly.

“Because of how severe the condition of my skin was, I had to visit the doctor every 2 weeks.

“So imagine paying that much every 2 weeks, being a student and without any insurance coverage. I endured so much physically, emotionally, financially, and mentally.”

Her disfigured face also stopped her from leaving that house, she said.

She explained: “My insecurity was at an all-time high so I would never leave the house unless I had to for work.

“I stopped going to uni and had to differ a whole semester on doctor’s orders.”

Photo shows the damaged face skin of a Malaysian woman, undated. She claims her skin was damaged after a facial treatment. ( @teaszn/Newsflash)

After weeks of medical treatment, T. said that her skin had finally begun to clear up.

Now T plans to sue the beauty salon after making a complaint to the police.

The beauty salon responded to the viral tweets by claiming that her allegations are untrue.

It is currently unclear if T’s accusations are being investigated by the police.

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