Two stray dogs that took shelter inside oil drums filled with hardened tar have been rescued after it melted in the heat, leaving them trapped.

The melting tar was threatening to suffocate the dogs when they were discovered by locals in the Indian city of Pune in the Indian state of Maharashtra on 29th July.

Locals had immediately called the fire brigade when seeing that the two dogs got stuck and were unable to free themselves from the sticky mess.

It was impossible to reach the dogs without first cutting open the drums, and once this was carried out they were slowly pulled free from the tar. The firemen were assisted in the rescue by members of the local animal rights organisation.

Photo shows the rescue mission for the trapped dogs on Saturday, July 29, 2023 in Pune, India. The puppies got trapped in drums of coal tar. (CEN)

The drums had apparently been left after being found dumped in a mountain area and had been bought into town using a tractor for later disposal.

Once they were rescued, the dogs were taken away by the animal rights organisation in order to be cleaned and then released.

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