This is the dramatic moment a deliveryman risks being electrocuted to save a little boy who got stuck on a ledge outside a second-floor apartment after apparently playing by the open window.

Phone footage shows the man, later identified as Zhang Yaming, ignoring the danger from the high voltage cables and other electrical cables while trying to reach the boy by climbing up a ladder placed above the building entrance in Zhumadian, in China’s central Henan Province.

He slowly climbed up to the concrete ledge built above the first-floor window and encouraged to boy to try and pull himself into the home by the wires that hung from one window to the next.

Meanwhile, another man apparently switched off the power in the building to avoid the boy getting accidentally electrocuted.

A delivery man climbs up to the third floor to save a boy who was hanging on wires outside a window in Xiping County, Zhumadian, Henan, China, undated. The platform he was working for gave him a cash reward and the honorary title of “Pioneer Rider”. (LWW122929/AsiaWire)

The boy then lowered himself onto the wires and slowly inched across him until he reached the window where his mum stood waiting.

She pulled him inside and later thanked both men for helping get her son home unharmed.

Zhang was also praised by his bosses at Meituan Delivery, who gave him a cash reward and bestowed upon him the honorary title of “Pioneer Rider”.

A delivery man climbs up to the third floor to save a boy who was hanging on wires outside a window in Xiping County, Zhumadian, Henan, China, undated. The platform he was working for gave him a cash reward and the honorary title of “Pioneer Rider”. (LWW122929/AsiaWire)

He even made the list of reserve station managers for focused training.

Recounting the incident, Zhang humbly said: “The wires were all over the place, and without thinking too much, I rushed up.”

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