This is the baffling moment civil servants don motorbike crash helmets to save themselves from falling plaster at a run-down office building in India.

The incident took place at the Mandal Parishad Development Officer (MPDO) office, a government building in Beerpur, in the Karimnagar District of the state of Telangana in southern India.

The footage shows two government workers dealing with paperwork for citizens are wearing motorcycle helmets on their heads, with the images then cutting to what appears to be rainwater damage in the building.

A second piece of footage appears to show large chunks of the walls missing and even bats living in it.

The building is said to be dangerous and ageing, according to local media, with it at risk of collapsing.

Photo shows Government employees in Beerpur, Mandal in Telangana in India, working with helmets. They fear the dilapidated ceiling will fall on them at any moment. (CEN)

It reportedly dates back nearly 100 years.

One worker reportedly told local media that he had a near-death experience after a portion of the building collapsed as he was passing by, with office staff demanding to be relocated to safer offices.

It is currently unclear if the local government plans to relocate the staff and if any safety checks have been carried out on the building to ensure that its structural integrity is sound.

The monsoon, or rainy season, lasts from June to September in India.

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