This is the sickening moment when fans queuing for their favourite theme park ride are covered in vomit from someone already on it.

The terrifying pendulum swing throws passengers high into the air while doing full 360-degree vertical rotations.

But it was apparently too much for one rider who lost his lunch just as the ride was at its highest arc at the park in Sichuan Province, south-west China, on 25th July.

Footage from excited fans who were filming themselves in the queue shows spewed chunks flying through the air from the top of the ride.

At first, they seem to think it was rain but after a few moments the stomach-churning truth hits them and they begin to groan.

The woman filming the splatter managed to get away and starts laughing in apparent disbelief.

Vomit falls from a 360 ride on tourists queuing under it at an amusement park in Sichuan, China, undated. The vomit hit some of the tourists. (L1529524758/AsiaWire)

Another woman standing right next to her seems to be clutching her purse and trying to move further away in case any other riders join in.

The clip later went viral on Douyin – China’s version of TikTok – with more than 250,000 likes and 1.5 million shares.

One user titled ‘Bus’ left a comment saying: “This is absolutely disgusting.”

Another user titled ‘Classmate Zhu’ said: “I rode this until I felt like throwing up. I forcefully held it in until I couldn’t bear it anymore and ended up vomiting.”

And user ‘orange’ joked about identifying the culprit from what he chucked up.

Vomit falls from a 360 ride on tourists queuing under it at an amusement park in Sichuan, China, undated. The vomit hit some of the tourists. (L1529524758/AsiaWire)

They said: “Male, 18-25 years old, height 5.8-6 feet, weight 180 lbs or so, shoe size 43-44, dinner, spicy chicken, poached sliced ​​meat, scrambled eggs with tomato, and half a bottle of Coke and Pepsi.”

Staff members said they will strengthen sanitation measures to ensure the health and safety of all visitors.

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