A unique cliffside coffee spot offers adventure seekers a once-in-a-lifetime experience – with hot drinks being served at the edge of a 650ft drop at the price of GBP 40.

The Cliff Cafe, located among the woodlands in Libo, in southern China’s Guizhou Province, is generating online buzz after tourists shared clips of its unique seating options.

It offers a set of wooden benches tightly mounted onto a 650-foot-tall cliffside, with a few pictures and ornaments added for decoration.

Visitors can enjoy a warm cup of coffee that they get to sip on while their feet are left hanging in the air above the head-spinning drop.

But not before they get strapped on with professional safety equipment, and then walk for nearly a mile across a primitive jungle.

After crossing the forested area, customers have to descend down a 65ft rope before they get to sit down and enjoy the view at the edge of the cliff, at a height of a 70-storey building.

Photo shows tourists at a coffee shop on the side of a cliff in Libo county, in Guizhou, China, undated. The seats are on the face of a 200-meter-high cliff. (ym9186/AsiaWire)

The cost of getting there is a reported CNY 398 (GBP 43), and it includes a cup of coffee at the final destination.

Clips shared by thrilled visitors show them almost casually enjoying their drinks alongside the rock face.

One video shared by an unnamed young woman offers a closer look into the frightening seating arrangement, and she does not appear to be even slightly nervous about her feet just hanging in the air.

In the caption, she said: “In a dull life, I often can’t find stuff that makes my heart beat faster! It’s time for a cup of heartbeat coffee️️!

“On the 200-metre (650-foot) cliff, your feet are floating in the air and your heart feels like it could burst.”

The cafe reportedly opened in 2019 AND reopened after improvement in June 2023.

Photo shows the coffee served on the side of a cliff in Libo county, in Guizhou, China, undated. The seats are on the face of a 200-meter-high cliff. (ym9186/AsiaWire)

A staff member said: “The cost includes customised insurance premiums, expedition equipment rental fees, team leader service fees, and coffee drinks.

“Visitors must purchase customised insurance and wear safety gear before they can reach the cafe. The team leader will use coffee powder to make coffee and can even add ice cubes.

“Basically, each person has a cup. Everyone can hang their feet in the air and enjoy the scenery while drinking coffee. It takes about an hour.”

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