This is the moment a man jumps into the sea to rescue a mother and her son after the boy accidentally fell in and his mother went in to save him despite not knowing how to swim.

A man saves a mother and her son from drowning in Quanzhou, Fujian, China, undated. The mother and son inhaled some seawater but were fine after resting. (116924560/AsiaWire )

The rescue reportedly took place at Shishi’s Golden Coast near the city of Quanzhou, in south-east China’s Fujian Province on the afternoon of 7th August.

The boy and his mum – who were not named in local media – wanted to take pictures of the sunset atop the rocks on the shore when he accidentally slipped and fell in.

The desperate mother jumped into the water without hesitation, holding her son in her arms.

However, neither of them knew how to swim, and they were struggling in the water.

One man, named Yang Ming, and three others joined hands to try to pull the mother and son up, but the large waves prevented them from reaching them, according to local media.

Phone footage captured by Ming’s wife, named Mrs Huang, shows the moment he decisively jumps into the sea.

Faced with the crushing waves, however, he struggled to swim with the mother and son towards the shore.

A man saves a mother and her son from drowning in Quanzhou, Fujian, China, undated. The mother and son inhaled some seawater but were fine after resting. (116924560/AsiaWire )

Fortunately, the water where they fell does not appear to be too deep and after a while he is able to slowly pull them towards the sand.

Another man rushes to help and they are both seen dragging the mother and son onto the beach as the footage cuts.

Although the mother and son ingested some seawater, they were fine after resting, local media reported.

According to the mother of the child, she had brought her two sons to Golden Coast for a day of fun, and it was the elder son who fell into the water.

After returning to the beach and finding her younger son, the mother expressed her gratitude to Ming.

A man saves a mother and her son from drowning in Quanzhou, Fujian, China, undated. The mother and son inhaled some seawater but were fine after resting. (116924560/AsiaWire )

Their 32-year-old rescuer’s arm was scratched by a rock while saving them, but he said it was nothing.

He said: “At that moment, all I could think about was saving them. I was afraid the waves might carry them farther away, so I jumped in immediately.”

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