This is the moment four people in an auto-rickshaw are swept away by floodwaters in India.

The footage shows the driver of the auto-rickshaw trying to cross a river with a strong current in the Betul district of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on the evening of Friday, 15th September.

But suddenly, it topples over a small waterfall and can be seen being washed away by the strong current as the footage ends.

The four missing people are said to be two youths, the father of one of them, and the auto-rickshaw driver, according to local media.

They were trying to cross the Muaria River, which had overflown from its bed and left the Chhipanya-Pipariya underwater.

Strong currents sweep away four youths when car plunges into river in Betul district, Madhya Pradesh in India, undated. A heavy rainfall occurred in the region. (CEN)

A local police officer told local media: “[A] search is on for the four missing people. Those missing have been identified as auto driver Imrat Pandram, Ganesh Irpache, Ramsingh Vishwakarma, Ozhu Irpache, the father of Ganesh.”

The search is ongoing.

The area has reportedly been expecting heavy rainfall during India’s monsoon season, which occurs from June to September.

Floods have reportedly been hitting central and western India hard, with Madhya Pradesh being hit by heavy rainfall since Friday and thousands of people being evacuated in the state of Gujarat after the Narmada River broke its banks on Monday.

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