A motorcyclist wound up hospitalised with a painful skull fracture after he collided with a pair of steel pipes a construction worker was carrying on his shoulder.
The accident occurred in Xiangxi, in China’s southern Hunan Province, on the morning of 2nd November.
CCTV footage shows the worker, who was not named, carrying two steel pipes over his shoulder.
As he walked, the pipes slowly turned towards the side and he quickly switched them over to the other shoulder and adjusted their position when he noticed a female pedestrian walk past.
But as he attempted to keep the woman out of harm’s way, he apparently did not notice the pipes were now hanging over half the road.
At that moment, a motorcyclist who apparently did not spot the obstacle drove by and slammed into the pipes with his head.
The forceful impact knocked him backwards into his seat as his bike kept moving forwards for several feet before crashing onto the tarmac.
The worker also got knocked down to the ground as the pipes struck the back of his head and he lost both them and his safety helmet.
Emergency services reportedly rushed to the scene and took the rider to hospital with a severe skull fracture and he had to undergo surgery.
Fortunately, his condition was reported not to be life-threatening, but he will need to remain hospitalised for further treatment.
The worker was reportedly uninjured.