A grown woman was filmed getting dragged out of a theme park after she violently shook a rope bridge suspended above water that was packed full of crying children who feared they might fall off.
She was reportedly trying to get back at the little kids, thinking they pushed her child off after it slipped and fell in the water at the Cloud Playground, in Hanzhong, in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, on 2nd October.
But, witnesses said her child tumbled down because it was not tall enough to go on the bridge, and she insisted they let it on anyway.
She ended up harassing the other children in the park apparently thinking she was protecting her own from being bullied.
Phone footage shows her angrily shaking the bottom part of the suspension bridge as a group of kids desperately cling to the ropes, trying not to fall into the water.

Several of them began crying and screaming as she tried to knock them down while yelling at them.
Staff members and security guards run over and intervene, first seemingly trying to reason with the woman.
But she refuses to let go, and they pull her aside, then drag her away from the terrified boys and girls.
Rather than calming down or apologising, she starts arguing with them, and they keep bickering until the footage cuts.