This video shows the astonishing moment a beautiful woman saves her cocktail seconds after she accidentally knocks it over with her elbow.
The stunner, nicknamed ‘Plum’ on Tiktok’s sister app Douyin, who works as a dance teacher. Can be seen setting up her smartphone on recording mode at a bar in the city of Shenzhen, in China’s southern Guandong Province, on 11th December.
But after adjusting it on the coffee table she then accidentally pushes off the drink. But saves it from toppling on the floor in a split-second decision when her instinct kicks in.
With more than half of the drink still remaining in the glass. She then looked and the camera and triumphally smirked at it before tidying up the table and picking up the straw to clean it.
The video, which has been viewed nearly 1.5 million times after it was posted on the social media platform. Left many users stunned by the young woman’s super fast reaction.

Douyin user ‘Those who are lost are lost forever’ said: “She reacted quickly and quickly caught it with her other hand. If it had been me, I would have been doomed!”
User ‘Pirate flag’ commented. “You’re so calm and don’t feel surprised at all. You can’t be a real secret agent, right?”
And ‘Kawashita Kurushi’ added. “What’s even more awesome than picking up the glass is that she didn’t scream or get her sleeves wet.”