A furious elephant herd crushed a family car after it smashed into a calf and knocked it over while the tusker family were crossing a motorway In Malaysia.

The terrified occupants fled the motor when the angry herd surrounded it and began smashing it to pieces.
Pictures taken after the attack in Titiwangsa, Temengor State, on 26th November show the Perodua Axia motor with barely an undented panel left.
The family in the car were a father aged 48, a 47-year-old mum and their son, 23, according to local media reports.
The drama started when the car rounded a bend and knocked down the calf enraging the rest of the group.

The police said the elephants did not stop battering the car until the young tusker got up and walked towards them.
Gerik police chief Supt Zulkifli Mahmood said the weather had been wet and foggy with poor visibility.
He warned: “We advise road users on the highway to be extra careful when in the area as there are elephants there.”